Summary Part 1, 1984

1984, novel by George Orwell, the main carácter is Winston Smith, member of the Outer Party from Oceania, which is a state (fictional) representing both England and America. Winston lives in total conformance with Big Bbrother.

Big Bbrother is the leader of what is called the “Inner Party” which is Ingsa.

As the year 1984 begins, Winston starts to feel some kind of reject towards Big Brother and the way everything is controlled, he knows, however, that if somebody was to find out about his true thoughts, he would be punished by death ore ven worst. So Winston decides to keep a diary in which he will be able to honestly write his point of view, his real opinions and feelings, he does this in his alcove, and all of his hatred for Big Brother is now written on the diary.

In part 1 of 1984, we can get to know about Winsto¨s work. He Works at the Ministry of Truth, (the branch of the government responsible for the production and dissemination of all information). What Winston does there is alter all the past news articles that have been “proven” false. The thing is, during all of his work experience at the “MOT” he has only once hold in his hands actual proof that the Minisrty was lying. The case about revolutionaries Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford, three of them who were executed for planning a Revolution against the State. As Winston saw this, he also discovered that their confessions had been falsified and so he got scared and his instinct was to destroy evidence.

P art 1 also narrates one time Winston, while writing in his diary he sees O” Brien, a member of the Inner Party (just like Winston) who seems to be dissappointed about the Party. Suddenly, Winston realized that all of the stories the Party has told about Goldstein, who is the head leader of a conspiracy to overthrow the party and the Brotherhood are actually true. Winston begins to feel hope about the Proletariats, whom are an 85% of Oceania that stays out of the Party, kept in poverty and unobserved.

Finally, in Part 1, Winsto seeking for hope goes to where he first purchased his diary. He meets Mr. Charrington, who used to own the diary before Winston did.

Mr. Charrington is a proletariat, so he shows Winston a dark room where the only thing there is, is a bed. No Telescreen. Winston is astonished to see that Proles are not required to have a Telescreen and leaves, and as he is walking out, he figures out a woman with dark hair is watching him, or better said, spying on him. Winston fears and has a sudden desire to murder her. However, he controls himself and goes home, as Part 1 ends.

By Daniela Perez

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